Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I Hope They Call My Brother On A Mission

That's right, my little brother (who's not so little anymore), is going on a mission!! He recieved his call today. . .
He will be serving in the Edinburgh, Scotland.
He reports to the Preston England MTC on June 6.


Jessica said...

ahhh i feel old. tell him congrats

Summer said...

Oh my heck! He CANNOT be that old! WOW! That's great! Congrats!

the meyersons said...

GET OUT!!! That's wonderful!! That's where my big sister when on her mission!

The Ormsby's said...

Jenn, which sista? Stacey or Jess? How cool is that?

The Ormsbys down under said...

congratulations, what a great mission....very cold in winter. Our bishops daughter served her mission there a few years ago. Came back with an awesome accent!