Sunday, January 25, 2009

Loose Tooth Controversy

Marlee has another loose tooth (this is number 3 for her). It's one of her front top ones. Ya know, the really cool ones to loose!? It's been a little bit loose for a couple of weeks now. But as of last night, it's really wiggly, and she's decided she wants it OUT!
I have no problem with that. I always thought loosing teeth was fun. I'd wiggle and push and twist that tooth till it was hanging by a thread. Then I'd let my Dad pull it out. What was better than having the tooth fairy come? Plus, you'd have that fun whole in your mouth to stick your tongue through.
Now Nathan seems to disagree. He NEVER wiggled his tooth to the point of no return. He claims he's never heard of kids pulling their teeth out willingly (when they are loose). He says he would just wait until his tooth would fall out! HOW BORING! Where's the fun in that?
Anyway, it got me thinking. Surely I'm not the only one who would "torture" their teeth once they began to show the slightest little wiggle. So, I'm turning it over to you, friends family and stalkers of my blog. Please vote, I'm dying to see how this turns out. VoteWhat would you do with your loose tooth?
Just leave it alone, and let it fall out on it's own. Wiggle and push and pull till you you got the sucker out!

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Jaime Ormsby said...

i could never wiggle, twist or push and pull on my loose teeth, i hated it, i had a wiggly tooth for a few YEARS mum said, she also said that nathan was the same as me but elly wiggled hers all the time

Jen Jenkins said...

I remember when I only had a few baby teeth left I would make them loose and pull them out to get cash. Hey, do you think the tooth fairy would come if I tried that again?
I hope you are feeling better. xoxo

Shannon said...

Hilarious! Allen and I have been through this exact argument. I agree with you and he would agree with Nathan. I can't believe Marlee has had three already. Porter would be so jealous. He's dying for at least one loose tooth, but nothing yet.

Anonymous said...

I would wiggle the tooth a little, just playing with it, but was scared to loosen it too much. moty i js l all ot on its own... i think rom what i remember anyway, maybe mum would tell me otherwise.

joyce said...

Some mean person told me that if you wiggle your teeth prematurely or if you wait to long to pull a loose tooth then your teeth will be very crooked. I was always paranoid and tried to wait until I knew the tooth was "ready". Sufficeth to say, I never had to get braces!!

Tena said...

Hey let her wiggle and pull it out. Andrew just had a loose tooth and he couldn't leave it alone. Finally he asked Summer and Bryan to pull it out. He is now working on the other top tooth. Go for it Marlee-you know you want to.

Kimberly said...

I don't do other peoples loose teeth, teeth just gross me out. Alan either pulls them or the kids have taken care of their own loose teeth.
Matt usually brings them to us, in fact, Matt actually lost one last week at school.
In Ashley's case, I didn't ever want to put my fingers in her mouth, self preservation, so I think she swallowed a few.
My vote is anyway Marlee wants to deal with it is her decision.

Nicola said...

Just a heads up, I was able to cast multiple votes (for wiggling of course) without clearing cookies or anything, so I wouldn't put too much stock in the results.

Unknown said...

ha ha trust Nicola to cheat! But I do agree with you wiggle and push of course! Get that QUARTER! :)

Nicola said...

Actually, this is Josh cheating. I can't help it my eyes are big. I also am too lazy when Nicola's already logged into her google account in another tab of the browser to change it for the sake of making a comment. Sorry. Josh

Summer said...

Heck YEAH! Wiggle it out!

Summer said...

Heck YEAH! Wiggle it out!